Identity, Culture and Politics

IDENTITY CULTURE AND POLITICS: AN AFRO-ASIAN DIALOGUE (IDENTITe, CULTURE ET POLITIQUE: UN DIALOGUE AFRO-ASIATIQUE) is published by the CA on behalf of Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar, Senegal and International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES), Colombo, Sri Lanka since January 2000. This is a biannual publication aiming at dissemination of knowledge and exchange of ideas and projections amongst African and Asian scholars and activists.

The Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA/SAREC), the Ford Foundation, and the Government of Senegal support the project and the journal. Only original contributions in English and French are accepted. Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced. Footnote, references or bibliography should be typed separately 1 the article and not at the bottom of the same page. All articles are refereed.

For correspondence and subscriptions, contact the Editors:

Professor lmtiaz Ahmed
E-mail: icp@calternatives.org

Solofo Randrianja
E-mail: solalao@hotmail.com

Sharif Atiqur Rahman, E-mail: atiqnira@bdonline.com
C. S. Dattatreya, E-mail: ices_cmb@sri.lanka.net
Ebrima Sail, E-mail: codesria@sonatel.senet.net

Yearly Subscription:
Africa and South Asia US$ 8.00
Rest of the world US$ 25.00

ISSN 0851-2914

Sample issues :